Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases of the 21st century. In France, as all over the world, we all know someone affected by cancer, and we all know at least one person who has died of this vile disease.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women.

Men can also be affected by this disease even if they have less developed breast tissue than that of women. Although the National Cancer Institute considers that less than 1% of breast cancers affect men, caution is still required. 

Making the connection between cosmetics and breast cancer may seem strange to some people, yet when the doctor who does mammograms every day tells you not to use deodorant anymore, it seems like a legitimate link make, doesn’t it? 

And yes, unfortunately we’re finding out the composition of certain cosmetic products may have something to do with it…

What is the relationship between breast cancer and cosmetics?

In most cases, cancer affects the left breast more than the right breast, and this is because there are more right-handed than left-handed people in the world. And righties tend to apply more deodorant, over a larger area, under their left armpit, which is perfectly normal as they are more agile with their right hand.

It is also very rare that both breasts are cancerous, and so far, no one knows why for sure.

According to an American study of just under 150 women, certain chemicals in cosmetics promote breast cancer.  These substances include parabens, benzophenones, bisphenol A and many more. These ingredients are often used as preservatives.

They disrupt the healthy function of the endocrine glands responsible for the secretion of hormones, making them responsible for breast cancer.  In addition, poor hormonal balance can also increase the risk of infertility in both women and men.

A return to nature – the preventative solution ?

Off the bat, you may think that the solution would simply be to choose cosmetics without preservatives. However, unless you are very good at chemistry, you will have trouble identifying all the preservatives present in a list of cosmetic components.

The best solution would therefore be to use only 100% natural products. This is one of the easiest changes to impliment and a safe way to reduce breast cancer risks.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, put your chemical deodorants in the bin and switch to a natural deodorant.

If you want to lighten and repair your armpit skin which can often be discoloured, you can easily make a skin lightening mask at home (using olive oil and lemon juice).

And whilst you’re at it, why not make a transition to natural cosmetics for your skin and hair? 

A healthy formulation will prevent any contact with harsh or unsafe chemicals, such as cancer causing nasties. 

In addition to taking care of yourself naturally and preserving your health, you will also be contributing to the protection of the environment. It’s a win-win!

What are the symptoms? When should I seek medical advice?

The main symptoms that the National Cancer Institute considers to be of concern and require a medical examination are:

This is why self-examination is so important. No one knows yours boobs quite like you do, so get checking!

If you are over 25 years old, the first thing to do would be to examine your breasts once a month, ideally 5 to 10 days after the start of your period.

Raise each arm, observe and touch your breasts so as to examine any possible changes, including any lumps or bumps, changes in shape or texture etc… 

This examination can of course be a couple’s activity. If one can join the useful to the pleasant, why deprive oneself?

Remember that any abnormalities must be reported to a doctor.

Breast cancer generally affects women between the ages of 55 and 75 (not to mention men).

Thus, it is often useless to do a mammogram before the age of 50 (unless worrying symptoms occur) however there are other methods of detection.  Indeed, before this age, the breast tissue of women is much thicker and compact. Therefore, it is more difficult to read the result of a mammogram of a younger woman.  However, after this age, a mammogram is the currently best way to identify cancerous cells in time to immediately start treatment. Have a mammography every 2 years.

It is important to take good care of yourself. Whether as a means of early identification and treatment of any issue, or as a healthy mental and physical lifestyle, self care is important. You know the drill: eating healthily, reducing bad habits (smoking, alcohol etc) and moving more. But make sure you add self care to that list. It’s often the easiest to accomplish in practical terms, yet is often neglected, specially by the nurturers amongst us. 

Do it for selfless reasons. If you don’t take care of you, how will you take care of every one else?